Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Thoughts on Amendment One

So I know that I have not done one of these in a while because my school schedule has been keeping me busy since it is ending the semester. But on May 8th North Carolina residents are voting on a BIG topic... Amendment One. Amendment one states  "Constitutional amendment to provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State." There are other parts to the amendment that will not allow unmarried couples to have certain right such as:
•Domestic violence protections for unmarried couples.
•Child custody rights of domestic partners that further the best interests of the child.
•Could prevent state from passing in the future:
–Right to family hospital visitation privileges.
–Right to make medical decisions if partner is incapacitated.
–Right for domestic partners to make funeral and burial arrangements for one another.
–Right to inherit from one another if they die without a will.
–Right to be named guardian or conservator if one partner becomes incapacitated.

As I have said on my facebook page: So when people put that they are FOR Amendment One they get cussed out but when someone puts they are against it and someone who is for it comments then that person that commented gets cussed out. Guess what people everyone has THEIR OWN opinion and by living in the United States we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and its not going to change their mind if you are cussing them out! 

So here is MY view on the matter:

Gay Marriage:
 I have been brought up in a Christian family and have set my morals to be those that are set forth in the Bible (if anyone has an opposition to this please feel free to comment and to be clear I am not saying that I am perfect we do all sin) so when I see this amendment as allowing gay marriage I know that in the Bible it says "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus 20:13) so I am sticking to what I believe and going to vote FOR  the Amendment.  

Domestic Violence:
 First off as I have said in an earlier post I believe that if there is violence within a relationship whether it be verbal or physical you need to get out. I'm not saying that I believe that just because you are unmarried you shouldn't have the same protection as a married person but you can leave that person and there is not a process you have to go through to leave that person. Even though you are not married to them you can still get a restraining order. 
Child Custody Rights:
  In North Carolina custody is most of the time granted to the Mother of the child even when it may not be in the best interest of a child. 

 In my opinion I believe that if you are not married then the person you are dating should not have a choice in your medical health. If you want them to have a right in the decisions why not just go to the courthouse and get married it only cost around $60 for the licenses and a little extra for the magistrate. If your reason for not getting married is that you can't trust the person enough then why would you trust them to make medial decisions about you? 

So theses are my thoughts on why I voting FOR the Amendment One! If you would like to leave a comment  be free to and I am up to talk about it in more depth if needed :)  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


All of us have fears right? Well some of mine are what i would consider normal and some not so normal so here they are and why!

1. Floss! This is one of my not so normal fears. I have always been afraid of floss ever since I can remember. I have really tight teeth and it is so hard to get floss in between them. I am scared that it is going to get stuck and I am not going to be able to get it out. Resulting in me having to go to the dentist and having it taken out. Yes I know I am weird!

2. Mud! It really is not a fear its just I do not like the feel of it and if I have it on me I instantly have to find a way to wash it off. Just the grimmy nasty feeling of it is disgusting.

3. Letting people down! I am afraid that I am going to let those that I love down in some way. I try my hardest to please everyone that is in my life and I hope that I never let them down.

4. Not Succeeding! I am afraid that I will not succeed in my future. I have worked so hard in the past 4 years to get my degree but I am scared that I will not find a job and be able to do the things I want to.

So that is my main fears that I have and most likely I always will (especially the floss lol).

If you want to know anything else or want to tell me yours just leave a comment :)

<3 Victoria

Monday, April 2, 2012

Life :)

So this weekend was really good. Friday I went around and put my resume out there and sent my resume to Corporate so hopefully something happens. Saturday I went with my friend shopping for bridesmaids dresses for her wedding :) then went fishing with my boyfriend and his friends which was an experience. I got my car stuck on a hump in the middle of the field and then almost couldnt get out because of the cows. But I have begun to realize that graduation is just around the corner so I have been thinking about things I want to do in my life. So here is a list :)

1. Get a good Job! I want to get a good paying job with my degree so that in the future I will be able to support myself and be able to do the things I want without having to worry.

2. Travel! I want to travel to so many places which is why I want to have a good job, I would like to travel to New York City, Paris, England, and the Bahamas.

3. Get a Jeep! I want to eventually get a Jeep Grand Cherokee and have it painted pink. Which will take money so I need that good paying job.

4. Get my masters degree!

5. Have a family. I do not mean anytime soon because I want to be financially stable meaning that I know I can support myself and kids that I may have. I believe that if you have children then you should think about if you will be able to support them before making the move to have children.

6. Be Happy :) - I want to be happy with who I am and what I have done in life. I want to be with those that make me happy and make memories with :)

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

<3 Victoria